Juliana's thoughts on life, motherhood, marriage and just day to day life

24 October 2006

My Boys

Silas is one month old already; I can not believe it.
He is a good baby, however he is very VERY particular. Eric and I finally figured out what he likes and that is sitting up; He wants to see the world. He has amazing head and neck control for a one month old.

I am so grateful for both Noah and Silas!

Noah is my miracle baby; as many of you know my doc declared a miscarriage and wanted to do a D&C at 7 weeks, instead of the D&C I opted for a second opinion and on the day I would have had a D&C his heartbeat was detected - Praise God! Noah is my joy and special to me because he gave me the gift of motherhood and has taught me patience and humility.
Silas is my Joy and special to me b/c he has made me an even better mother and has taught me even more patience and humility!

I love my boys to death ( all three of them:)
I can not imagine my days without them!


Blogger Jenny said...

Oh I love these photos! Especially the one of Silas sitting up on Eric. I just had to call Fr. John in here so he could see it.

Anna was exceedingly particular from day one. She had ideas about how she should be held, what she would (and wouldn't) wear, and what position she would sleep in. It was a great shock to us that she arrived with such determination. We blame ourselves, at least in part, for giving her the middle name "Pepper."

Anna would like to perpetuate her legacy and name our second "Natalie Pepper," but I keep telling her that two peppers would just be too much for this one family. She doesn't seem to feel that there would be any problem, however.

Anyway, it is great to visit your blog and to see that when this pregnancy ends there will be a new life in our home. You seem to be thriving and that gives me hope for myself as well.

Please keep us in your prayers and you (and Eric and the boys) are in ours.


24 October, 2006 21:17


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