Juliana's thoughts on life, motherhood, marriage and just day to day life

12 December 2006

New info on my heart

I saw my cardiologist today and it looks like this has all by caused by a virus called coxsackieviruses A & B. You may have heard of this virus in children as the hand, foot an mouth disease. They are not sure when I contracted this virus or how I got it. I could have contracted while I was pregnant or after. I am not sure what this means fo me and my future really. I have to wait and talk with my infectious disease doctor since it is more his area of expertise then my cardiologist.
My EF ( the efficiency of my heart) has gone down a little since being home from the hospital. It is now at 45%, it was 50% and normal is above 50%. I need to really take my restrictions seriously now that my hearts efficiency has gone down. It is so hard to let the laundry pile up or wait for Eric to carry it down and up for me and it is even harder to not be active with Noah. I have to stay positive and I am trying. I have to have blood tomm to make sure my tropine level has gone down. Tropine is the enzyme, that was elevated when I went to the ER.
Please keep me in your prayers! Thank you!