Juliana's thoughts on life, motherhood, marriage and just day to day life

27 June 2006


I have always been somewhat creative and dabbled in the arts throughout high school and college. I love being creative, but since I have become a mom, I seemed to have lost my creative drive. I guess it does make sense being the mother of a 14 month old and one due in 3 months, I have little time or energy to be creative. This is still not enough of an excuse for me to be ok with, especially since eric bought me a brand new fabulous sewing machine for Christmas. I have not used it once - so it is time to brake it in:)
So, I have decided to also use this blog as a sort of accountability. I can look back and see all the creative things I wanted to accomplish and I have all of you to remember this:)

So the list begins........
1. Come up with a theme for the boys rooms and decorate.
2. Make curtain for the kitchen window
3. Make blanket for our bed
4. Create a painting for the dining room.

Ok I will stop and not get to in over my head. I am not even going to put a deadline on any of this - that way there will be no disappointments:)

A funny note on my family......
Last night Noah and Eric were hanging out and Noah was playing with our home phone. All of a sudden I hear Eric say " the police are coming Noah called 911". No sooner was there a police officer at my door... ( keep in mind Noah was screaming the whole time the officer was here)
Officer " is everything ok"

Me " yes, Officer, I'm sorry my 14 month old son called accidentally"

Officer " ok well, if I can just see an id so I can record this"

Me " Sure"

Me "just curious, what are you recording"

Officer " a false 911 call"

Me " oh"

officer " for every 5 false 911 calls , you will be fined"

Me " oh"

officer " here is your id Ms. Thank you and have a nice evening"

I guess they have to make money somehow


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