Juliana's thoughts on life, motherhood, marriage and just day to day life

13 December 2006


Ok so I called my infectious disease doctor today to get some info on this virus. I told him what my cardiologists told me and he said " I don't know what she is talking about, I did not see those results"
I was speechless, how can one doctor see one thing and the other see another. SO they are clearly not communicating properly with eachother. My infectious diseases doc only has office hours on Tuesdays from 1.30-3.30 - lovely huh. I can not make it this coming Tuesday and the following Tuesday I will be in Ohio visiting my granparents and so it looks like it will be 2007 before I know what the HELL IS WRONG WITH ME.....HOW FRUSTRATING!


Blogger Becky said...

Hang in there. The more you stress about this, the more it may get worse. You are still in my prayers; I certainly hope for the best!!! If you need to talk about anything, you know I am here for you!!!!

Lots of love!

14 December, 2006 12:27


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