Juliana's thoughts on life, motherhood, marriage and just day to day life

02 July 2006

Will never complain again:)

Well it has been a rough couple of weeks with this pregnancy. The heat makes it really hard and with Noah not walking yet it makes things that much harder at times!
While I love being pregnant and am so grateful I was given this gift twice, sometimes it is hard and I just want it to be over. When I have those moments I think about all the people I know that want to be pregnant but can not get pregnant - it breaks my heart and I then feel so guilty for complaining!

Yesterday was one of those difficult days, as I was feeling a lot of pressure and just felt like exploding! So we left church early and I came home and rested all afternoon. Later in the evening we went over to our good friends from church. My friend and I were talking about Pregnancy and the difficult parts. She began to tell me just the story I needed to hear.

She went to Africa on her honeymoon and had the opportunity to visit a women's hospital. She was explaining the poor conditions of the hospital and then began to tell me that most of the women lived 10-20 miles away from the hospital and would start their walk when they went into labor. I thought to myself "their walk". They would walk 10-20 miles in labor to the hospital and most of the time would not make it to the hospital, so they would give birth on the side of the dirt road, clean their baby off with a towel, cut the cord and deliver the placenta themselves and continue their walk to the hospital. Wow, I can not even imagine!

While I have traveled abroad a lot and have been exposed to my different cultures and ways of life, I sometimes get caught up with the comforts and luxuries we have in America that I forget what happens in other parts of the world.
When she was finished I looked at her and said
" I will never complain again"
she replied with
" that is not why I told you"
I assured her I knew that, but it was still the kick in the ass I needed!


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