Juliana's thoughts on life, motherhood, marriage and just day to day life

03 July 2006


I have been tagged by my dear friend and fellow blogger Lassie
As usual I am not following the directions b/c I simply do not think I can come up with 7 items for all the questions, but I will do my best:)

7 things I'd like to do before I die:
1.Travel to Ireland and Africa
2. Take a trip with Eric, my children, my parents and my bro and his family to Russia and Poland.
3. Meet my Grandchildren
4. Drive to Alaska with Eric

5. Finish and publish my book Positive Chaos
6. Own my own preschool
7. Open a home for eastern European orphans

7 things I can't do:
1. Whistle
2. Grow long hair - it is too curly and thick, although I am trying
3. Not get choked up when I see someone eating out alone
4. Watch scary movies
5. Grow long nails
6. Not get choked up when I see an elderly person walking with groceries

7 things that attracted me to my husband:
1. His faith - a big one!
2. His Kindness
3. His good looks:)
4. His work ethic
5. His adventurous nature
6. His sense of humor and artistic nature
7. His love for children

7 books (or series of books) that I love:
1. Confessions of a Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella and all other books by her
2. A million little pieces by James frey
3. Ishmael by Daniel Quinn

4. The Paradox of choice: why more is less by Barry Schwartz

7 Movies I'd watch over and over:
1. Hideous Kinky
2. Man in the moon
3. Pretty in pink
4. Sixteen Candles

7 people I'd like to tag:

I am new to the blogging world and so I know only two fellow bloggers. They have both already been tagged so I can not tag anyone yet!
Lassie at http://eggsbenedictarnold.blogspot.com
Carol at


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