A Rarity
So it turns out that once again I am a rarity. As many of you know when I was prego with Noah my Hcg levels did not rise as they normally would making the doctor declare a miscarriage and wanted to do a D&C immediately. Since i had a gut feeling I was not miscarrying and had no symptoms of miscarrying I did a little research of my own and discovered that only 15% of women Hcg levels do not rise as they should. So I choose to get a second opinion instead of a D&C and thankfully I did as I fell into that 15% and my fetus was indeed thriving.
So I am now learning that only about 1000-1300 women are diagnosed with postpartum cardiomyapothy each year. When I came home from the hospital I started doing some online research and I found an online support group for women with PPCM. (postpartum cardiomyapothy)
Through this website I met a doctor who's practice is strictly for PPCM issues.
He has informed me that he would like my records to publish my case; because evidence is mounting that a virus like in my case may be the cause or trigger for PPCM. He told me it is very important to document cases such as mine so they can continue to see what exactly causes PPCM.
I am becoming quite passionate about this, as I have heard so many stories of women who died due to post labor complications such as PPCM, and other heart and lung issues. Dr. Fett(the online doc) says that most women have symptoms but ignore them as just part of the normal experience of pregnancy and giving birth. I cannot help but feel that if we educate women on these post birth complications, more women might take their symptoms seriously and be treated.
For the second time I am reminded how "trust your instincts" is really important. I trusted my instincts when they told me I was miscarrying with Noah and because of that I did not have a D&C instead I had my first beautiful baby boy.
I am told that if I would not have acted on my symptoms and gone to the ER when I did, my situation may have been much worse. Now my heart at least has a chance of repairing itself! Prasie God!
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