Juliana's thoughts on life, motherhood, marriage and just day to day life

07 November 2006

A sigh of relief

I saw my cardiologist this evening. It was a great visit. I learned that this is not congenital and it is not a valve problem; all good things:) So, it looks like it is postpartum, meaning the strain from labor weakened my heart.
I have to have a test done asap to make sure that I do not have an aneurysm in my artery.
My blood pressure is good and my body is taking very well to the new meds. I am retaining a bit of fluid but nothing alarming at this point; no wonder my shoes felt tight:)
So I have to have the a test performed asap and as long as it comes out negative then I am good for a month and then I have another echocardiogram ( ultrasound of the heart) and than see the doc.
My cardiologist is so nice and caring and I feel very comfortable with her and I know she has my best interest in mind.
I left this appointment feeling so optimistic!
Things are going to be just fine!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is such fab news! Stay strong! Thinking of you always. Kiss kiss to the boys.

14 November, 2006 15:05


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