Juliana's thoughts on life, motherhood, marriage and just day to day life

16 October 2006


For Noahs' morning nap today I decided to try and put him in his toddler bed. We are not planning on buying a second crib and hope that by the time Silas is ready for the crib Noah will be adjusted to the toddler bed. I had planned on getting him used to it while I was still prego but selfishly I did not b/c when napped I needed to nap.
So today I was feeling brave, I took everything off the bookshelf and placed pillows on the floor next to the bed, I sang a song about being a big boy in his big boy bed and then put him in the bed and snuggled him up.
I left the room and for about 5mins I heard him running around, then all of a sudden it was silent. I waited a couple minutes before peeking in.
This is what I found after peeking in on the silent room.

I left the room and thought to myself " wow, that was a quick transition"
No sooner did I hear a big bang followed by a heavy cry - I ran in to snuggle my little babe. I think he tried to step out of the bed and slipped on the pillows. Maybe that was not so smart of me to put pillows down on hardwood floors, duh...Its slippery. We will keep trying different things everyday, but at least he will start to get used to it!

Noah has adjusted quite well to having a little brother, he loves him to death and is not too jealous. He is always trying to give Silas his pacie and is constantly giving him kisses. When Silas is in his swing he tries to give him his toys and when he gets no response from Silas he just places it gently in the swing and goes to get a new toy and so on - it is really funny:)

He is such a sweet, good boy and I am so proud of him and how well he is doing:) Silas is so lucky to have such a great big brother:)

I tried the toddler bed again for his afternoon nap........
It was a success


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