Juliana's thoughts on life, motherhood, marriage and just day to day life

12 October 2006

Oh how time flies when your having babies:)

Yesterday Eric and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary. On Wednesday night Eric said he wanted to get burritos from the local Mexican restaurant for our anniversary dinner - sounded good to me.
He came home on Thursday and I asked him if he was going to get burritos, he said in a minute. He was playing with Noah and holding Silas so I began going through the mail. All of a sudden I hear someone opening our side door and come up the stairs -so I look at Eric and he acts like he hears nothing. So I go into the kitchen near the door to the basement to investigate and in walks my mom. I was so suprised I looked at her with a puzzled look and said
"Hi, what are you doing here"?
Mom - "you are going out to dinner, isn't that nice"?
Me - "oh, who is going out to dinner"
Eric - "You and I, honey"
Me - "oh, wow how nice, and you are watching the boys mom"?
Mom - "yes, now go change so you can get going and have a nice evening out"
I just stared at my mom for like 5 minutes so suprised you would have thought Ty Pennington was at my house.
It is not that Eric never surprises me with nice things; he does or should I say tries:)
For those of you who know me; know I am not one for surprise - it is very hard for anyone to plan a surprise for me as I always find out b/c I a m nosey and impatient:)
That was the best anniversary gift ever - it was so nice to go out for a surprise dinner with just Eric and I.
We had a fabulous dinner and talked all about the last three years and shared our favorite memories- that was fun, corny I know, but fun:)
I feel bad as I was ready to go by 8:30 - having just had a baby 3 weeks ago I could not find the energy in me to stay out later and enjoy the night - plus the boobs were telling me it was time to get home and feed Silas:) being such an great guy Eric understood and we headed home to continue the night with a little champagne!

As I look back on the last three years smiles and tears come pouring out. We have come so far as a couple and have grown so much together in our relationship and faith! I cannot imagine where I would be today without Eric and I am so grateful that God brought us together. I am who I am today because of Eric! God has been by our side these past three years and without our strong faith in him I am not sure we would be living such a privileged life! GOD IS GOOD!
What a fabulous three years it has been and I look forward to 50+ years with him:)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary!!!! You looked stunning on your wedding day.I remember that day...it was just perfect.Remeber how warm it was?
I am so happy for you guys that in those past three years you were be able to built such a beautiful family.
I wish you many, many, many more healthy and happy years together.

14 October, 2006 09:03

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary!!!! You looked stunning on your wedding day.I remember that day...it was just perfect.Remeber how warm it was?
I am so happy for you guys that in those past three years you were be able to built such a beautiful family.
I wish you many, many, many more healthy and happy years together.

14 October, 2006 09:04

Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow...is that a bald spot on your husbands head?
i figured it would have taken a few more years.

happy anniversayaraery

24 October, 2006 07:31


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