Juliana's thoughts on life, motherhood, marriage and just day to day life

25 September 2006

Blissfully happy!

Well it has been 5 days since I had Silas and things could not be better! It has been a busy five days but a good busy:)
Labor was only 4 hours and really a piece of cake despite a few ugly contractions:) Silas is nursing well thank god (I had lots of trouble with Noah nursing since he was tongue tied)
Getting up at night is much easier the 2nd time around b/c I feel more used to it!
I have not had a day with just Noah, Silas and I yet, that will come on Wednesday so we will see how that goes. I am a bit nervous but Noah is so good and very independent so I think we should be good!
Silas and I are off for a long afternoon snooze:)
See previous post for pics of Silas and Noah


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