A sweet moment
Eric and I have not talked much to Noah about having a baby soon just because he is so little. Of course we say things like, you are going to have a baby brother soon, etc but not much else since he just seems oblivious to it!
So on Monday Noah and I were hanging out in the rocking chair just talking and he was saying mamma, and babba and I said to him "say baby"
much to my surprise he took his finger pointed to my belly and smiled real big. I was shocked - it was the sweetest moment ever.
Now I know he is not a genius or anything, but I was still shocked since I have never pointed to my belly and said baby to him.
All week I have been saying "Noah where is the baby" and no matter what he is doing he stops and runs over to me, points to my belly and smiles - it is just so cute. He is going to get real sick of me saying this to him b/c I just can not get enough of it:)
If I knew how to post video clips I would post a clip of Noah pointing to my belly for you all to witness b/c it is just that cute:)
Any suggestions on how to do this?
How sweet! I've never used this, but I've seen other bloggers use
to share a video. And if you want to see your site traffic, go to
They are both free and don't take much tech savvy to use. Good luck, let me know if I can help, talk soon, xoxo
25 August, 2006 07:54
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