Juliana's thoughts on life, motherhood, marriage and just day to day life

07 July 2006

What have I done

Eric and I both lived in the city for years before we got married and for a year and a half after we were married. The perk of renting a flat in the city is you usually can get free cable. So for years we had cable simply b/c it was free!
When we bought our house we decided to not get cable since it is so expensive and clogs our brains with garbage.
Well, when we had Noah I really wanted it - no more fussing with the antenna to get a clear picture and something to watch during the long 2am feeding would be nice sometimes:) We opted against it. Needless to say we have lived without cable and have been completely fine with it!
A couple of weeks ago I was going through my phone bill and realized they had been charging me for the wrong package for several months. I called to inquire, they were in fact charging me to much. Instead of just saying to me we will credit your next bill the rep at AT&T said
" here is what we can offer you for our mistake, dish network for 1 year at $10.50 a month and free installation"
Me " really, interesting, I will have to think about it, if I choose not to go with the cable you will just credit my bill"?
Rep " of course, but this is a 75% saving, you can't beat that"
Me" ok, thank you, I will get back to you"
I called Eric and ran it past him and he did not seem to into getting cable, Being the frugal man he is, he was liking the bill credit much more.
I decided I would call and just ask for the credit. Life got busy and I never got around to it and so for the past several weeks Eric kept asking "when are we getting cable".
I decided to take the offer.
It was installed yesterday!
While it is nice to have TLC, lifetime, etc, I am not sure I like having so many useless channels.
There was something freeing about only having 2,5,7,and 9.
When there was nothing on I would pick up a book or work on Noah's scrapbook or better yet talk a nice walk. Will I continue to do that is my question or will I ALWAYS be able to find something to watch? I do have one rule that I had without cable as well and that is that when Noah and I are playing the TV is not on, so at least I know I will keep to that rule! Time to give up your naps Noah - just kidding:)
So this whole dish network thing is on a 60 day trial!


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