Juliana's thoughts on life, motherhood, marriage and just day to day life

05 September 2006

Just the three of us

Yesterday i woke up and told Eric i wanted to walk all day hoping that i would go into labor. We both wanted to do something fun as a family, one last family trip as just the three of us. So we went out for breakfast and headed for Starved Rock State Park in Utica, IL.

I am being very daring as it was very slippery

"Hey Eric, Maybe if i climb i will go into labor":)

Noah had a great time exploring the rocks and water with daddy

Noah had a fabulous time and we cherished every moment with him.

What a great day it was!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my GOSH Noah looks like such the little man, and so comfortable being one with nature. He obviously takes after his mommy and daddy.

Love ya butt (hahahaha,

08 September, 2006 12:13


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