Juliana's thoughts on life, motherhood, marriage and just day to day life

22 September 2006

Finally he has arrived!

Silas John Meng
20 September 2006
7 pounds 11oz and 21 inches long

Stay tuned for more:)


Blogger Becky said...

Congratulations! I am so happy to hear about the new addition to the Meng family. I hope all is well with everybody. I love the pics, keep them coming! :-)

Lots of Love,


23 September, 2006 08:00

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Julie....He is gorgeous!!! Congrats to your whole family. Noah looks happy too. I love these pictures and will share them with my family. take care, Sue

23 September, 2006 08:02

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Silas is beautifull. Noah looks excited to be a big brother. Hope everyone is doing well. Talk to you soon.

23 September, 2006 09:55

Blogger Jenny said...

These photos are awesome! I love how they capture a slice of life in the hospital. You're making me very, very excited to meet our own little one!

I love your blog, too. I could relate to so much of it--the pre-baby fear, the house obsession, and the bittersweet feelings surrounding the older child. Every weekend I feel like I need to do something special with Anna to celebrate that we only have to use one carseat at present. I dread all that fussing with the seatbelts and trying to manage two little ones, as eager as I am to meet Natalie.

Anyway, your blog is wonderful--so authentic, funny, and moving. I got a big kick out of the "Maybe if I climb I'll go into labor" photo as well.


19 October, 2006 20:17


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