Juliana's thoughts on life, motherhood, marriage and just day to day life

26 September 2006

just some pics

Wide awake:)

Noah is fascinated by his little brother

Noah and daddy talk about baby brother Silas

Noah, Silas and Grandpa

25 September 2006

Blissfully happy!

Well it has been 5 days since I had Silas and things could not be better! It has been a busy five days but a good busy:)
Labor was only 4 hours and really a piece of cake despite a few ugly contractions:) Silas is nursing well thank god (I had lots of trouble with Noah nursing since he was tongue tied)
Getting up at night is much easier the 2nd time around b/c I feel more used to it!
I have not had a day with just Noah, Silas and I yet, that will come on Wednesday so we will see how that goes. I am a bit nervous but Noah is so good and very independent so I think we should be good!
Silas and I are off for a long afternoon snooze:)
See previous post for pics of Silas and Noah

22 September 2006

Finally he has arrived!

Silas John Meng
20 September 2006
7 pounds 11oz and 21 inches long

Stay tuned for more:)

19 September 2006

and we are off.............

it is 12.05 am on wednesday and i am waiting for my dear friend nichole to get here to watch Noah and then Eric and i are off to the hospital! My contractions are between 7, 5 and 3 mins apart and so painful! bye for now!

18 September 2006

"Don't worry honey, what goes in must come out"

That is what my midwife said after she checked my cervix today! I love my midwives but that comment was annoying. So needless to say I am only dilated 2cm and 75% effaced. She stripped my membranes today which should help bring on labor in the next few days. Tomorrow is Eric birthday so maybe Silas is just holding out to share his b-day with his daddy! Eric's company gives their employees the day off for their b-days so it would be great if I went into labor tonite or tomm as he will already be home!
I have to admit I did not expect to still be prego at 39.4 weeks. I guess that is b/c Noah was born at 37.6 weeks. I hope I go into natural labor - I was induced with Noah b/c my water broke. I just want to experience natural contrations and labor. Oh well at this point they can induce me - I am so uncomfortable!
I will keep you all posted!

12 September 2006

What a BRAVE little boy!

Noah relaxing after surgery at home with his homemade blanket and pillow from the hospital. A hospital volunteer made this gorgeous blanket and cute pillow - I thought this was so sweet!

Noah had a small surgery this morning - he was tongue-tied. It was so scary to see our little 16 month old being wheeled away in what the hospital calls a crib - it looked more like a metal cage to me! He was so brave with the doctor and 2 nurses wheeling him to the OR - he was just smiling, and waving goodbye at Mommy, Daddy and Grandma as we stood by the door. I could not believe how brave he was - his fabulous Doctor said he did not cry once.
He is recovering well, a little tired and in a little pain, especially since he has an ear infection on top of it all!
I guess it is my hormones but I can not help but cry every time I think about how brave he was - he is such a sweet boy!
I am so glad this is over with and past us. Now Baby Silas can come at anytime:)

05 September 2006

Just the three of us

Yesterday i woke up and told Eric i wanted to walk all day hoping that i would go into labor. We both wanted to do something fun as a family, one last family trip as just the three of us. So we went out for breakfast and headed for Starved Rock State Park in Utica, IL.

I am being very daring as it was very slippery

"Hey Eric, Maybe if i climb i will go into labor":)

Noah had a great time exploring the rocks and water with daddy

Noah had a fabulous time and we cherished every moment with him.

What a great day it was!